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- ENC STTP|Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
STTP/FDP/Workshops Conducted Links Departments Faculty STTP/FDP/Workshops Conducted Faculty Participation in STTP/FDP Timetable Projects Student Achievement Title Date & Year AICTE sponsored one week online short-term training program on "Natural Language Processing with Google AI and Dialogflow and Its Applications" 21st June- 26th June, 2021 AICTE sponsored one week online short-term training program on "Natural Language Processing with Google AI and Dialogflow and Its Applications" 24th May – 29th May, 2021 Online Webinar on AI and Computer Vision Applications 21st July, 2020 Online Webinar on Libraries and Tools for Machine Learning 18th July, 2020 Online Webinar on Artificial Neural Networks- Changing The World 14th July, 2020 Online FDP on “Security Issues and Role of Cryptography in Communication” 22nd – 26th June, 2020, STTP on “Python and Engineering Applications” 9 th December, 2019 to 13th December, 2019, STTP program on “Blockchain and it’s Applications” approved by AICTE-ISTE 17th to 21st June, 2019. One Day Sponsored Seminar on “Wireless Sensor Network & It’s Applications in Developed & Developing Countries” in association with UGC Area Center for Canadian Studies 22nd February, 2019 STTP program on “Issues in 5G Wireless Networks” approved by ISTE 20th to 24th June, 2016
- STUDENT LIFE | Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES GALLERY College Festival The annual festival of the college Arcane Illusions is celebrated with a great enthusiasm with students participating from different colleges. Usha Mittal Institute organizes various seminars and workshops on recent technologies to keep the students updated. Seminar and Workshop SEMINAR WORKSHOPS Kothaligad Karjat Baramulla Srinagar Charminar Hyderabad Industrial Visits The Industrial visits organized by different councils and committees helps students to gain real life experience. STUDENT COUNCIL IEEE CSI ACM Developer Student Club E-CELL SPORTS Code Chef UA ^2 NSS COUNCILS Council Festivals Every year many technical and non-technical events are organized in Usha Mittal Institute Of Technology for overall development of the Students SPORTS The college organizes an annual one-week sports festival and the students also participate in intercollegiate sports activities throughout the year To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Our Contribution to the Society The college has an NSS unit that conducts various activities like beach cleaning, blood donation, etc to help contribute to the betterment of society. SELF DEFENCE TRAINING DISASTER MANAGEMENT TRAINING It aims to ensure an effective and coordinated response to disasters. Self-defense is highly crucial in dangerous and intimidating situations to avoid you from being shaken and froze. It gives you confidence and knowledge to back yourself in an unfavorable scenario. TREE PLANTATION DRIVE MEDICAL CAMP CLEANLINESS DRIVE BLOOD DONATION DRIVE Engineering Site Visits Usha Mittal Institute of Technology organizes site visits to give students a real exposure. Student form Usha Mittal Institute of Technology take part in the university level competitions in various sectors such as sports, dancing, singing, and many more. Other Activities
- Computer Engineering | Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
Computer Engineering CE CE 1/1 Links Departments Faculty STTP/FDP/Workshops Conducted Faculty Participation in STTP/FDP Timetable Projects Student Achievement Computer Engineering(CE) is one of the core and high in demand ( both by the industry and students) branches of Engineering, having lots of vital career opportunities like programming , network architecture , data analysis, database administration , cyber security, machine learning , system analyst, information system manager, web developer, data scientist, blockchain developer to name a few. CE is a relatively new branch at Usha Mittal Institute of Technology (UMIT) as compared to the other branches as it was established in 2020.The syllabus of CE is designed by academic experts and elective subjects are chosen based on state of art research and industry requirements so that students can compete and excel in the outside world. The institute has all the resources such as laboratories, books, and faculty required for the CE branch. The overall development of students including qualities such as decision making, leadership, and team management is achieved by the participation of students in various student councils. In the last two years, students of the CE branch have shown their excellence in academics as well as other activities such as cultural, sports, etc. Students of CE have won prizes in various fashion shows, dance competitions, intra-college box cricket, etc. Students have also proved their technical competence by winning national level hackathons and publishing technical research papers. Vision To be a department of excellence providing global standard education that empowers women graduates to be technically proficient, innovative, self-motivated and responsible citizens, with high human values, ethics, and social awareness. Mission To dynamically evolve a curriculum which equips students with strong Computer Engineering fundamentals and state of the art electives as per industry requirements. To provide an environment which encourages students to develop innovative thinking, carry out research and provide solutions to the problems faced by society. To encourage students for taking up higher education, be versatile with interdisciplinary skills, communication skills and entrepreneurship. To initiate project-based learning and practical exposure in the area of Computer Engineering. To provide state of the art laboratories, library and qualified teachers to achieve excellence in education. Programmes Offered B. Tech in Computer Engineering Programme Objectives To prepare learners with a strong foundation in the mathematical, scientific and computer engineering fundamentals. To inculcate learners to comprehend, analyze, design and build hardware and software solutions for real-time problems. To encourage learners for higher education, research and entrepreneurship. To encourage, motivate and prepare the Learners for Lifelong learning. To inculcate professional and ethical attitude, good leadership qualities and commitment to social responsibilities in the learners' thought process. Best practices & Salient Features A dynamic curriculum with strong foundation and industry required skills and knowledge Placement opportunities in reputed companies Internship opportunities for firsthand industry experience with practice-based learning Motivation for research and innovative thinking Industrial visits and social awareness through NSS camps Use of ICT tools in teaching and complete coverage of syllabus All round development of students by participation in various students’ councils Qualified and experienced faculty Well equipped laboratories
- Data Science | Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
Data Science Data Science Data Science 1/2 Links Departments Faculty STTP/FDP/Workshops Conducted Faculty Participation in STTP/FDP Timetable Projects Student Achievement The Department of Data Science is established in the year 2020. This B.Tech program in Data Science is specifically designed and offered in response to the rapidly developing field of Data Science. This program has been started with an intake of 60 in the year 2020. Data science is a relatively new emerging and an interdisciplinary field of Computer Engineering. It concerned with the collection, preparation, analysis, visualization, management and preservation of large collections of information aiming at generating value from the data itself. Today, successful data professionals should master the full spectrum of the data science life cycle and programming skills. Vision The vision is to ensure the students have strong fundamentals in theory, hands-on practice in various data science related tools and technologies, With the advent of Data Science, Students are transformed to industry ready professionals by building smart machines with cutting edge technologies. Mission The program encompasses emerging areas in the field of Data Science, Data Engineering and Advanced Analytics through application-oriented and student-centric learning. The program fosters students to get expertise in critical skills such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Product development, scripting languages and Mathematical modeling. Acquire meaningful insights in the areas of natural language processing, text mining, reasoning and problem solving. Create and design intelligent solutions to real time Business applications. Programmes Offered B. Tech in Data Science Programme Objectives To encompasses emerging areas in the field of Data Science, Data Engineering and Advanced Analytics in the curriculum through application-oriented pedagogy and student-centric approaches. To fosters students to gain expertise in critical skills. To encourage, motivate and prepare the Learners for Lifelong learning. To acquire meaningful insights in the areas of natural language processing, text mining, reasoning and problem-solving. To create and design intelligent solutions for real-time business applications. Laboratories DATA STRUCTURE LAB OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LAB NETWORK LAB DATABASE LAB CLOUD COMPUTING LAB DATA ANALYTICS LAB
- Library Facility | Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
Facilities And Policies Usha Mittal Institute Of Technology Usha Mittal Institute Of Technology Usha Mittal Institute Of Technology 1/2 Related Navigation Question Papers Syllabus Library Collection Library Facility The UMIT library aims at providing access to its printed resources such as books and journals as well as electronic journals and online databases primarily for the use of faculty and staff at UMIT. Its holdings should reflect their interest largely. The library stock is increasing at a rate of approximately 1,000 books a year. The library also subscribes to over 50 current periodicals and to a range of electronic journals and databases. The library is supervised by a committee consisting of the librarian and three members from the faculty. The digital library has informative CDs, study material in interactive format and so on which are used by the students for better understanding of the subjects and students also have access to internet and websites. Loss and Defacement of Books, Journals, and other Library Articles The cost of replacement with additional 20% handling fee will be charged to the person for loss or damage to the library materials. Book grants may not be used to settle library dues. Any member if determined to have defaced or damaged any library item intentionally will have his/her library privileges revoked for a period of time determined by the library committee. Library privileges may be revoked permanently for multiple or serious offences. Members must take care of library materials and must not deface them by underlining, writing or drawing in them, by removing any part of them, or in any other way. Library Timings: Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Books Distribution Limit
- NSS | Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
Council and Committees Gallery The National Service Scheme (NSS) was launched in 1969, the birth centenary year of the Mahatma Gandhi, by the Government of India. It’s a voluntary association of youngsters, especially college students, to work for campus-community linkages. It aims at developing a student’s personality through community service. NSS wing at Usha Mittal Institute of Technology (UMIT) provides a platform to the students for community work and developing a way of involvement within the tasks of nation-building. A range of activities is organized each year to channelize the energy and thoughts of the younger generation into creative pursuits. Activities BLOOD DONATION DRIVE HAND PAINTED CLOTH BAG DISTRIBUTION OLDAGE HOME VISIT STREET PLAY CLEANLINESS DRIVE DIGITAL LITERACY EVENT 2020 EK BHARAT, SHRESHTHA BHARAT SESSIONS SELF DEFENSE TRAINING MEDICAL CAMP DIGITAL TREE PLANTATION DRIVE Co- Ordinators Dr. Kavita Mhatre Prof. Kiran Dange Council 2022-23 Contact us ~
- CST Faculty | Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
Faculty in Computer Science and Technology Home / Department / Computer-Science-and-Technology / Faculty Kumud D. Wasnik Assistant Professor (HoD of CST) M.E. Experience : 32 years Clouding computing,Advanced Databases,Data mining and Data Warehouse Ms. Monica Charate Assistant Professor M.E. Experience : 10 years Data Science Ms. Sonal Baburao Kadam Assistant Professor M.E. Experience : 9 years Data structure and algorithms, Web development Sumedh N Pundkar Assistant Professor M.E. Experience : 25 years Object Oriented Methodology,Cyber Security Ms. Shraddha Rokade Assistant Professor M.E. Experience : 10 years Cloud Computing Ms. Shehnaz Anjar Siddique Assistant Professor M.E. Experience : 1 years Computational Data Analytics, Business Intelligence with Data Analytics Dr. Rachana Dhannawat Assistant Professor (HoD of CE) Ph.D. Experience : 22 years Image Processing, Data structure and Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming, Computer graphics Mrs. Poonam Vengurlekar Assistant Professor M.E (Information Technology) Experience : 18 years Operating System, Software Engineering, Software Testing, IPR & Mobile Application Development
- CE Faculty | Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
Faculty in Computer Engineering Home / Department / Computer-Engineering / Faculty Dr. Rachana Dhannawat Assistant Professor (HoD of CE) Ph.D. Experience : 22 years Image Processing, Data structure and Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming, Computer graphics Ms Vanshri Ramteke Assistant Professor ME (E&TC) Experience : 7 years Microcontroller,Analog Electronics,Digital Electronic,Electronic components and comm. fundamentals. Mr Sudhakar Honaji Yerme Assistant Professor M.E. Experience : 16 years Computer Networking & Cloud Computing Ms Prajakta Gotarne Assistant Professor M.E Experience : 7 years Big data analytics. Data Science, Artificial Intelligence Ms Pratibha Sandeep Mahakal Assistant Professor ME (Electronics) pratibha91pawaskar@gmail. Experience : 9 years Basic Electronics,Audio Video Engineering,Signals and System. Mr. Sanjaykumar Ranveer Assistant Professor M.E.( Computer Engineering) Experience : 17 years C, C++, DBMS, Software Engineering, IPR & Cyber Law Ms Iffat Tauhid Kazi Assistant Professor ME Experience : 8 years Microprocessor,Operating Systems,computer Architecture and Organization,DBMS,Image Processing Ms. Toshi Jain Assistant Professor MTech Experience : 7 years Data Science, Programming Languages and Logics, Software Engineering Ms. Samidha Vengurlekar Assistant Professor M.E (Information Technology) Experience : 12 years C Programming and Database Management System
- Sttp-fdp-cst | Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
Faculty Participation in STTP/FDP Usha Mittal Institute Of Technology Usha Mittal Institute Of Technology 1/1 Links Departments Faculty STTP/FDP/Workshops Conducted Faculty Participation in STTP/FDP Timetable Projects Student Achievement
- Scholarship | Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
Scholarship Scholarship Usha Mittal Institute Of Technology Scholarship Usha Mittal Institute Of Technology 1/1 Related Navigation UG Programme PG Programme PhD Programme Departments Faculty Academic Calendar Rules and Regulations Virtual Education & Value Addition ELIGIBILITY FOR SCHOLARSHIP / FREESHIP (ONLY FOR CATEGORY STUDENTS) UMIT offers all the scholarships schemes provided by Gov. of India / Gov. of Maharashtra for all eligible candidates. If Annual Income is up to One – Lac Rupees apply for Govt. Of India Scholarship Scheme. (SBC/OBC/VJ/DT/NT) & (SC/ST – up to Two lack Annual Income) If Annual Income is above One – Lac Rupees – Apply for Freeship Scheme. (SBC/OBC/VJ/DT/NT) & (SC/ST – Above Two lac Annual Income) The students from other states (not from Maharashtra state) are not eligible for Scholarship / Freeship scheme. The benefits of the Scholarship / Freeship scheme only for those students we have secured admission through CAP (Centralized Admission Process). Documents to be produced along with the forms of Scholarship / Freeship for the Academic Year 2021-22 True copy of CAP Letter. True copy of Caste Certificate. True copy of Caste Validity Certificate. True copy of Non – Creamy Layer Certificate for only (OBC/SBC/ VJ/DT/NT) Category students. An Income declaration by the Parents/Guardians/Own stating definite income from all sources of previous year Income Certificate from Tahsildar – Original Copy (for Scholarship) & Form No. 16A/Tahsildar (For Freeship) True copy of academic mark sheets & certificates (SSC/HSC/DIPLOMA) Gap Certificate if there is a gap in Education True copy of Aadhar Card Residential Proof – Ration Card (True Copy) District Change Certificate – If student changes his/her district Death certificate – If Father/Mother expired Only those students who have secured admission in the First Year /Second Year / Third Year / Final Year will have to fill up online application form for Freeship & Scholarship on the following website: (For – OBC/SBC/SC/VJ/DT/NT) (For – ST)
- DSC | Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
Council and Committees Gallery Google Developer Student Clubs of Usha Mittal Institute Of Technology, powered by Google Developers, is a learning community that aims to inspire intelligent minds in the field of technology. It is open to any student, ranging from amateur developers who are just starting to advanced developers to experts. It is a community for students to connect and collaborate as they solve real-world problems. We at GDSC UMIT believe in building a strong community where people can learn and grow together. Our goal is to combine new ideas with technical skills to create something innovative. Activities HACK THE SPACE (HACKATHON) CLOUD STUDY JAM GOOGLE SOLUTION CHALLENGE WINTER CODESS (HACKATHON) ANDROID STUDY JAM 30 DAYS OF WEB DEVELOPMENT Co- Ordinator Dr. Sanjay Pawar Council 2021-22 Contact us~
- Student achievement_ENC/EE | Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
Student Achievement CE Links Departments Faculty STTP/FDP/Workshops Conducted Faculty Participation in STTP/FDP Timetable Projects Student Achievement