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 Facilities And Policies

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The UMIT library aims at providing access to its printed resources such as books and journals as well as electronic journals and online databases primarily for the use of faculty and staff at UMIT. Its holdings should reflect their interest largely. The library stock is increasing at a rate of approximately 1,000 books a year. The library also subscribes to over 50 current periodicals and to a range of electronic journals and databases. The library is supervised by a committee consisting of the librarian and three members from the faculty.

The digital library has informative CDs, study material in interactive format and so on which are used by the students for better understanding of the subjects and students also have access to internet and websites.

Loss and Defacement of Books, Journals, and other Library Articles
The cost of replacement with additional 20% handling fee will be charged to the person for loss or damage to the library materials. Book grants may not be used to settle library dues. Any member if determined to have defaced or damaged any library item intentionally will have his/her library privileges revoked for a period of time determined by the library committee. Library privileges may be revoked permanently for multiple or serious offences.

Members must take care of library materials and must not deface them by underlining, writing or drawing in them, by removing any part of them, or in any other way.

Library Timings:

       Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.     

Books Distribution Limit

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