Silver Jubilee Celebration of Usha Mittal Institute Of Technology SNDTWU 2022-2023
On the Occasion of Silver Jubilee Celebration of Usha Mittal Institute Of Technology and Engineer's Day, UMIT has organized various technical and non technical events on 15th, 16th and 17th September 2022.
Sanskruta October 2022
"संस्कृता"Silver Jubilee Celebration of Usha Mittal Institute Of Technology SNDTWU 2022-2023
A Webinar on Career Opportunities in IT sector
A webinar on "Career Opportunities in IT sector" on 17th November 2021 has been arranged by Mr. Sumedh Pundkar. Resource person was Mr. Anant Joshi. He worked in TIFR, NCST , L & T. Speaker explored opportunities in IT sector and shared his experience.
AI Gaming Event with Microsoft
It was a two day AI gaming tournament. Students got an insight about Python programming language and then pre-final and final tournaments commenced. E-certificates were given to the participants and the winners were awarded with cash prizes.
The annual IEEE Day was celebrated on the 6th of October 2020. In this event Guests of Honor encouraged students to actively participate in the
IEEE worldwide activities and seminars.
Pre-IEEE Day
For Pre-IEEE day we organized the Among Us Championship which was the most trending game of 2020. This fun event got a huge response from the students. It was an individual event with two rounds.
Crazy Artsy Event
IEEE brought an opportunity to exhibit students' talent through Crazy Artsy Event which was conducted on 30th September 2020 where students were asked to make a poster on the topic ‘Leveraging Technology for better Tomorrow’.
IEEE Collabratec
An online seminar ‘IEEE Collabratec’ was conducted on where students got insights about IEEE community in detail including different parts of IEEE.